Dying to Live is really all about "living"

I started this blog to help others die to the things that are keeping them from truly living. I talk about everything from taking every thought captive to making healthy choices when eating. I have been on this journey for over 15 years now and finally decided it's time to share it with others. Come join me and learn why we must die in order to truly LIVE!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Of all the body's needs for health, water is by far the most important.  Our body is comprised of 75 percent water, and water is responsible for, and involved in, nearly every bodily process, including digestion, absorption, circulation, and excretion.  Water is our main source of energy, just as it is also the primary transporter of nutrients throughout the body.  This is why it is so necessary for all anabolic (or building) functions in the body.  Water adjusts the body's temperature and rids the body of toxic wastes.  And yet most of us fall short of our daily hydration requirements.  We also fail to drink pure water that has the proper concentration of essential trace minerals.  Not drinking enough pure water disrupts the body's natural state of healthy biochemistry, which leads to sickness and disease.

So, put down the coke and pick up the water.

Remember that caffeine dehydrates your body. 

It takes approximately 32 glasses of high pH water to neutralize one soft drink.

Add a slice of lemon and drink up!


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