Dying to Live is really all about "living"

I started this blog to help others die to the things that are keeping them from truly living. I talk about everything from taking every thought captive to making healthy choices when eating. I have been on this journey for over 15 years now and finally decided it's time to share it with others. Come join me and learn why we must die in order to truly LIVE!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Salad Dressings

Sweet Maple Vinaigrette
For salads topped with salmon, strawberry spinach salads or just a sweet dressing for dipping veggies, reach for this low calorie ‘Maple Vinegarette’
- 1/2 cup White Rice Vinegar
- 2 tbs Balsamic Vinegar
- 2 tsp Agave or honey
- 1/2 tsp Maple Extract

Asian Soy Vinaigrette
For Chop, Chicken, or Sashimi Salads and Asian Spinach Salads try this ‘Asian Soy Vinegarette’

- 1/2 cup White Rice Vinegar
- 2 tbs Sesame Seed Oil or olive oil
- 1 tbs Braggs amino
- 1 tsp Agave, honey or organic brown sugar

Balsamic Citrus Dressing

Great with chicken and avocado salads!

-1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
-2 tbs olive oil
-1/2 fresh lemon squeezed
-1/2 fresh lime squeezed
- 1 tsp sea salt

Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing

*Keep refrigerated

This dressing is great with chopped kale salads, for marinades or in chicken wraps

-1/4 cup White Rice Vinegar
- 2 tbs Olive Oil
- 2 tbs 0% Plain Greek Yogurt
- 1 tbs Honey or agave
- 1 fresh Lemon squeezed
- 2 tsp Poppy Seed
- 1 tsp Sea Salt

‘Creamy’ Italian!

* Keep refrigerated

For those of you that want something more creamy- this will hit the spot.

- 1 cup low fat or fat free Greek Yogurt
- 3 tablespoons white rice vinegar
- 1 shallot minced
- 2 tsp of agave or honey
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1/2 teaspoon basil
- 1 clove garlic pressed
- 1 tsp sea salt
- A little ground black pepper

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